立即注册!About the Delete The Divide Membership
The DTD membership helps LA County residents explore opportunities in computer and information technology industries and prepares them with the skills and networks they need to pursue a career in those fields. The membership provides members direct access to training courses and professional IT certificates offered through our partners.
Membership to Delete the Divide is completely free to those who:
- 至少 16 岁
- 住在洛杉矶县
- 居住在服务不足的社区内
使用此链接检查您的 合格。
超过 20% 的家庭缺乏互联网接入的洛杉矶县社区被认为受到数字鸿沟的不利影响,并且处于服务不足的社区。要查看这些社区的交互式地图,请参阅我们的 分界线图.
是的,参加自定进度的在线课程和某些虚拟活动需要电脑或笔记本电脑和互联网接入。如果是会员 需要 计算机设备,Delete The Divide 将免费或大幅降低价格提供有关可用资源访问计算机设备的信息。
家长/监护人将被要求为所有 18 岁以下的青少年签署适当的表格。鼓励家长帮助他们的青少年继续致力于完成选定的途径。
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